Jayasri Dontabhaktuni is Associate Professor in Department of Physics, Mahindra University. She obtained her Ph. D in Computational Physics from University of Hyderabad in 2009. She was awarded with Marie Curie early stage researcher award (EU), DST young scientist award (India) and Dr. D. S. Kothari post-doctoral fellowship (India). She is visiting researcher at Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge (2019) and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She published more than 20 research articles in prestigious journals and >40 international conferences across the world. Dr. Dontabhaktuni is involved in teaching and research in various aspects of computational physics such as Monte Carlo methods, finite difference methods, finite element methods, etc. She is the co-founding Director of Qmatter Labs LLP, a spin-off that mainly foucsses on technological solutions based on quantum AI for applications in Quantum Computer vision, Data security, Data compression and advanced material design.